Product updates
What’s new in Circuit for Teams

Use color coding to differentiate between drivers on the map easily
Managing multiple drivers in a single delivery zone can become visually confusing if it’s hard to differentiate between individual driver routes.
Dispatchers can now choose from 18 colors when color-coding individual drivers. This makes selecting contrasting route colors for drivers in the same delivery zone easier.
Once a color has been assigned to a driver, this color will persist unless the driver is paused or assigned to a new depot.
How to color code individual drivers
- Go to Drivers > Select a driver to edit
- Click > Edit driver
- Go to Appearance > click the drop-down menu
- Select one of 18 available colors

Import barcode data and enable drivers to add stops to their route by scanning package barcode labels
Many courier companies use barcode scanning for various steps along the last-mile delivery journey. Our latest feature allows Dispatchers to upload unassigned stops via spreadsheet or the API and include package Barcode IDs.
Now, when a Driver creates a route, they have the option to scan the barcode label attached to a package, which will automatically move that stop from the unassigned stops list onto their route.
Barcode scanning was not previously supported, and this is the first step towards building more comprehensive barcode functionality.
How to import barcode data and scan barcode labels
- Add Barcode ID numbers to the Barcode ID column in the spreadsheet or via your API integration
- If you are using a spreadsheet, import the spreadsheet data to unassigned stops in the Dispatcher dashboard
- On the Driver app, the Driver taps the viewfinder icon to add a stop to a route
- Select > Barcode and line up the package barcode label in the viewfinder to scan it
- Once successfully scanned, that unassigned stop will automatically move from the unassigned stops list onto the Driver’s route

Manually order stops to configure routes that fit your needs
The complexity of delivery routes means that sometimes, certain stops need to take place before or after others for the route to be effective.
Now, Dispatchers can manually set an order for stops on a route and place them at a convenient point relative to other deliveries.
For example, it’s now possible to set a package collection stop to happen before that package’s eventual delivery stop later in the route.
How to manually order stops on a route
- Go to the route you want to edit
- Click the dotted square 'select area' icon on the map
- Select the hexagon sections which contain the stops you want to order
- On the toolbar at the bottom of the map click > Edit > Manual ordering
- Click > + Set stop order
- Place selected stops before/directly before/directly after/after other stops
- Next select the stop you want the new stop order to relate to
- Click > Finish then preview and save the changes

Choose how and when to send recipient notifications to boost delivery success rates
It’s now possible to send recipient notifications via a mix of SMS and email.
Send important pre-delivery notifications by SMS for a higher chance of recipient awareness, and follow up with less time-sensitive post-delivery notifications via email.
Reach recipients using the most effective communication method for each stage of the delivery process.
Recipients can now also be notified when their stop is next on the driver’s route, and sending this timely reminder can increase the chances of a successful delivery

Manage your driver team and monitor individual performance more effectively
Previously, all team members were grouped and managed in the same way, with no distinction between operational and driver roles. Due to the number of drivers and the changeable nature of their role, drivers require more regular management, unlike operational roles.
Now, all drivers can be added, paused, or removed from a single Drivers page, and new profile pages make it easier to edit settings and monitor individual performance.
Driver settings and route overrides are also more accessible, and a snapshot of driver performance from the last seven days provides instant performance visibility.
How to use the new Drivers dashboard view
- Go to the main dashboard > Drivers
- Add a new driver
- Click on an existing driver to view their profile
- Edit individual driver settings, route overrides, and monitor recent performance

Customize POD collection and delivery methods to meet client needs
With multiple clients, it can be difficult for courier companies to satisfactorily meet each client’s delivery needs. Some clients may require specific forms of POD to be collected, while others may be happy with a simple signature.
For example, a client who ships high-value items may not want delivery drivers to have the option to ‘leave the package in a safe space’ and may insist on capturing a signature and photo as POD.
It’s now possible to specify what delivery method is permitted for a stop and what type of POD needs to be collected for that method.
How to set POD and delivery method preferences
- Go to > Settings > Operations > Proof of delivery
- Toggle on/off all the delivery methods you want to be available
- Select the type of POD you would like collected
- Use the drop-down menu to specify if POD collection is optional or not

Use in-app Google Maps to simplify navigation and reduce stress for your drivers
Formerly, drivers who used navigation while delivering had to use the Circuit driver app along with a navigation app of their choice. Using two apps simultaneously isn't easy or stress-free for the driver.
Drivers can now navigate using Google Maps within Circuit Route Planner so that they can carry out every task along their delivery route with just one app.
How to select Internal Google Maps for navigation
- In the Dispatcher dashboard go to > Settings > Operations > Driver Settings
- Under Preferences > Navigation app select Internal Google Maps from the dropdown
- In the driver app go to Settings > Navigation app > Select Circuit internal navigation

Import and manage stops more easily using the unassigned stops list
Until now, users had to create a route before being able to import stops, which would then be assigned to that route. This meant that time had to be spent organizing stop data into routes before being able to upload it.
The latest unassigned stops list feature allows stops to be imported without creating or assigning them to any route.
Simply import stops directly into the unassigned stops list and use the list's functions to filter, select, and assign stops to a route as and when required.
Stops already assigned to a route can also be moved back onto the unassigned stops list, ready to be reassigned to a different route.
Future versions of this feature will enable dispatchers to bulk upload unassigned stops and drivers will be able to scan a barcode to automatically pull an unassigned stop from the list onto their route.

Create Depot Manager team roles with appropriate account permissions
Previously, all operational team members had access to change global account settings.
With the introduction of a new Depot Manager team role, restrictions have now been placed on the level of settings access each role type has.
Depot Managers can only manage settings related to their assigned depot. This prevents team members in various locations from changing settings that have an account-wide impact.

Control recipient delivery requests being sent to drivers
When tracking updates are sent, recipients can add delivery instructions for their driver. When used correctly, this is a beneficial feature, and the recipient can provide useful delivery instructions.
However, some recipients submit unrealistic and demanding delivery requests, which can delay and disrupt drivers. Our latest update lets you turn off the ability for recipients to add delivery instructions.
How to turn recipient delivery notes on/off
- Go to Settings > External parties > Customer notifications
- Toggle the setting for Enable recipient delivery notes to on/off

Decide the level of tracking detail you provide to recipients in customer notifications
When customers are provided with detailed tracking information, they can accurately anticipate when and how their delivery will arrive, which leads to higher delivery success rates and happy customers.
Our latest update allows you to select the level of tracking information shared with customers. These preferences can be set for individual stops or complete routes.
Choose what level of tracking detail to share in your customer notifications:
- Provide customers with a delivery ETA
- Provide customers with a delivery ETA and their position in the delivery queue
- Provide customers with a delivery ETA, their position in the queue and show them live driver tracking when they are the next stop on the driver’s route

Choose between high-detail and simplified map views to improve navigation
Previously drivers had to select and set a map view type, which they could only change in the driver app settings.
Now, drivers can tap a button in the driver app on the map to switch between a detailed satellite map view and a simplified route view, making it easier than ever to see more or less detail when needed.
Changing to a satellite map view when approaching a stop provides additional visual context, and drivers can instantly switch back to a simplified view when navigating longer distances between stops where photographic imagery is not required.

Collect proof of delivery for pickup points
Some stops require delivery to a pickup point, such as a parcel locker or retail partner who takes in deliveries. Previously, drivers could not specify this type of stop when collecting proof of delivery.
Now, proof of delivery can be collected for pickup points and automatically shared with dispatchers and recipients.
How to collect proof of delivery for pickup points
- Tap a stop to mark it as delivered
- Select > Delivered to pickup point
- Add and submit proof of delivery
- Proof of delivery is instantly visible to dispatchers and recipients

Choose to move or copy stops between routes
Previously, dispatchers could only copy stops from one route to another. A copied stop could be added to an alternative route and would also remain on the original route unless manually deleted.
Dispatchers can now move stops between routes. When a stop is moved from one route to another, it is automatically deleted from its original route.
Depending on their needs, Dispatchers may want to keep a copy of stops on their original route and they can do this by toggling the relevant settings on or off.
How to move stops
- When creating/managing a route click > Move stops
- Turn the setting on/off if you want to keep stops assigned to the same drivers
- Turn the setting on/off if you want to keep a copy of the stops in the original route
- Select the route you want to move stops from
- Select an existing route or create a new route to move stops to
- Click > Move Stops
- Selected stops have now been moved to the chosen route

Color code key stops to make them more visible
On busy routes with many similar deliveries, it can be tricky for drivers to remember when certain stops have special conditions attached to them.
Now, drivers can choose to color-code specific stops with special requirements to help highlight them better on their route.
Within the driver app there are four different colors to choose from, and when a stop is color-coded, the pin on the map and progress bar change color.
This feature is currently only available within the driver app.
How to color code a stop in the driver app
- Tap on a stop to edit it
- Tap the default blue color icon in the top left
- Select a different color from the list for that stop
- Your color coded stop will now show as the chosen color on the map, and the progress bar will update to this color as you approach the stop

Give drivers the ability to manually order stops on their route
Some businesses rely on their drivers to create delivery routes because it is more efficient than requiring dispatchers to create and allocate routes to drivers.
Drivers now have even greater flexibility over route creation with the option to manually select the order in which groups of stops are attempted.
How to enable drivers to create manually ordered routes
- Go to > Settings > Driver permissions
- Go to Route permissions > Routes created by drivers
- Turn on the driver route permission > Reoptimize route
- In the driver app add stops and tap > Optimize route
- Tap Refine > Manually order route
- Draw a circle around the group of stops you wish to attempt at first
- Draw as many groups of stops as you like, in the order you want to attempt them
- When finished manually ordering tap > Reoptimize route
- Tap > Confirm route to start your route

Quickly copy and move multiple stops to a different route
When real-time changes impact delivery, dispatchers need to edit routes quickly. Often, this means moving one or more stops from one driver's route to another to stay on schedule.
The batch editing function makes it easier and faster to select a group of stops and copy them from one route to another.
How to copy stops from one route to another using batch editing
- On the map view > click the 'select area' icon
- Select the areas that contain the stops you want to batch-edit
- Click > Copy stops
- Select the route you wish to copy the stops to click > Copy Stops
- Your selected stops have now been copied across to the new route

Add a photo of packages for faster identification
Finding one particular item in a delivery vehicle full of similar looking brown packages can be confusing at times.
Now drivers can choose to take a photo of a package as they add that delivery address to their route. Upon arrival at the stop, the driver can view the package photo again to remind themselves what the package looks like.
How to add a stop and take a photo of the package
- Go to add a stop > Select 'add stop and take photo'
- After the stop is added the camera will automatically go to photo mode
- Take a photo of the package
- This photo is added to the stop details
- Tap the camera icon on the stop details to view the photo

Allow drivers to edit specific route settings with customized permissions
Previously there were no restrictions on a driver’s ability to make changes to routes. If changes were not communicated to dispatchers or had an unforeseen knock-on effect, this could cause problems.
It’s now possible to specify which aspects of a route drivers can edit by setting specific driver route permissions. Manage what drivers can and cannot do in order to suit your delivery process.
How to set driver route permissions:
- Go to Settings > Driver permissions > Route permissions
- Toggle permissions to on/off
- Tick each specific setting to enable it for your drivers

Select which routes appear on the daily overview map
Days with many routes in the same location can create a cluttered and hard-to-read map view.
Now, you can toggle on and off which routes appear on the map for a more streamlined view. For example, you can toggle off finished routes as the day progresses to view only the active routes.
How to toggle routes on/off the map view:
- On the daily overview sidebar routes are grouped by status eg not started, started, finished
- Next to each group of routes is an eye icon
- Click the eye icon to remove that group of routes from the map
- Click the eye icon again to restore those routes to the map

Faster processing of changes to routes
Minor changes to existing routes previously took a few minutes to reoptimize, which slowed down dispatchers.
A significant increase in processing speed has reduced the amount of time it takes for edited routes to be recalculated. Modified routes can now be reoptimized up to 10 times faster.
What's new? - Product updates
Watch our latest product update video and discover more about the following features:

Compare the difference between estimated and actual route duration
Understanding how long routes should take your drivers helps determine capacity and manage daily workflow.
Using the most recent analytics report, compare the actual route duration time with the average route duration time.
Find out how much the average and estimated duration differ. Examine performance factors and make changes to improve these values.
How to compare estimated and actual route duration:
- Go to Settings > Analytics
- Run the ‘Route duration compared to estimate’ report

Set a unique cost per delivery to track operational expenses accurately
Knowing if you are achieving good business margins on delivery operations is difficult because there are so many variables.
Now, you can set a custom cost per delivery, taking into account the cost per hour and cost per mile.
Create a cost per delivery that accurately reflects your business expenses and stay on top of outgoings.
How to set a custom cost per delivery
- Go to Settings > Team settings
- Add your specific delivery costs per hour/mile
- Go to Settings > Analytics to see your cost per delivery report over time

Set a maximum number of stops per driver according to vehicle capacity
Not being able to set a maximum number of stops per driver per route can lead to dispatchers having to edit routes manually. Moving stops between drivers to ensure those with the right vehicle capacity receive the correct number of deliveries is tricky and time-consuming.
The ability to set a maximum number of stops per driver per route is possible in two ways.
How to set a default maximum number of stops per driver:
- Go to Settings > Depot
- Click on a depot to edit it
- Add a maximum number of stops per driver per route
- This number will apply to all drivers associated with that depot
How to set a custom maximum number of stops per driver:
- Go to Settings > Team members
- Click on a team member to edit them
- Click on the tab > Route overrides
- Click the Maximum number of stops button to off
- Enter a custom maximum stop number for that individual driver
- This setting will override all other settings for this specific driver

Create geographical delivery zones to assign stops based on driver location automatically
In the past, dispatchers had to format delivery data or make changes to optimized routes if they wanted to assign stops in specific locations to selected drivers.
It is now possible to create custom delivery zones. Any stops within a zone are automatically added to a route in that area. The route is then sent to the driver assigned to that zone.
How to create delivery zones
- Go to Settings > Zones
- Click on the map to select the zone area
- Name and color code the zone
- Assign a driver(s) to the zone
How to use delivery zones
- Import route data
- Stops are automatically added to a route within the same zone
- Routes are assigned to the driver for that zone
- Stops outside of zones are automatically added onto the most suitable route

Automate delivery operations with Circuit’s latest API update
Earlier versions of the Circuit for Teams API did not facilitate the optimization and distribution of routes to drivers.
The latest version allows users to integrate their existing systems with the Circuit for Teams API for end-to-end automation of delivery operations. From data import through to optimizing and distributing routes to drivers.
How to integrate with Circuit’s API
Go to Settings > Integrations to read the complete technical documentation and best practices.

Easily export detailed delivery data for deeper insight
It was previously only possible to access detailed delivery data by performing a global account search. This would only provide results for the specific information that was searched for.
Now monthly reports containing detailed delivery data can be exported at the touch of a button, giving you instant access to granular performance information.
How to download detailed delivery data:
- Go to Settings > Analytics
- Click > Export data
- Select > Detailed export
- Select the month
- Click done

Analyze late and failed stops and track delivery costs with additional analytics reports
With four new delivery analytics reports, you can further analyze delivery costs and performance metrics.
Understand the most common reason for failed deliveries, monitor the percentage of late stops, and track the average cost per delivery over time.
Filter each report by depot, team, or driver for a more granular view of activity.
Go to Settings > Analytics to access the delivery reports dashboard.
What's new? - Product updates
Watch our latest product update video and discover more about the following features:

Provide restricted account access with read-only roles for specific users
Now you can safely and securely provide read-only access to your account, allowing specific roles the ability to view and search all account data without being able to make any changes.
Read-only roles have access to view all available account information as it happens but cannot make any edits or access account settings.
This restricted role can be useful for teams looking to safely outsource their customer support to a third party or share the real-time route tracking view with partners.
How to create a read-only role
- Go to Settings > Team members
- Click Add members
- On the Role dropdown menu select Read only
- Click Add member to finish

Easily add stops by pinning them anywhere on the map
Dispatchers can sometimes encounter incorrectly located addresses on a route due to inconsistencies in mapping data provided by third parties. These can be corrected by reporting the issue to Google Maps or Open Street View, but those updates take time.
Now dispatchers can instantly correct or pin the location of a stop simply by clicking on the map.
How to pin a stop anywhere on the map:
- Zoom in on the map to show the area you want to target
- Right-click on the map exactly where you want to pin a stop
- Confirm that you want to add a stop at that location
- The stop will be pinned and added to your route

Improved map visibility of multiple routes with simplified stop markers
Managing multiple routes in the same geographical region can create a visually crowded map, making it hard to see individual stops and route progress clearly.
Now dispatchers can toggle between detailed and simplified stop markers on the map view.
Simplified stop markers reduce each stop on the map to a small square.
How to toggle between detailed and simplified stop markers:
- Go to the map view of a route
- Click the stop icon in the top right corner of the map
- Click this icon to toggle between detailed and simplified stop marker styles

Customize route optimization objectives to suit your delivery operations
Every business model handles delivery in a different way and has unique needs when it comes to how routes are optimized. Companies that pay their drivers by the hour may want to optimize routes based on speed.
It’s now possible to customize your route optimization settings to suit your delivery style better.
How to set route optimization objectives
- Go to Settings > Route Optimization
- Select the route optimization options you prefer
- All routes will now be optimized based on these preferences

Save time managing routes by batch editing stops
Dispatchers often need to make the same change to multiple stops on a route, but individually updating stops is inefficient and prone to human error.
Now dispatchers can save time managing stops with batch editing. It provides a quick and easy way to apply the same change to a group of stops.
How to batch edit stops:
- Click on a route
- Click the dotted square 'select area' icon on the map
- A hexagonal grid will appear on the map
- Select the hexagons that contain the stops you want to edit
- Use the toolbar on the map to make changes
- Preview and save your changes
- Your changes will be applied to all the stops selected

Create time-saving integrations using Circuit’s two-way API
Manually adding stops or batch-uploading route data using a spreadsheet can be time-consuming and inaccurate.
The latest version of the Circuit for Teams API is two-way. This allows you to import and manage data using the API and subscribe to published event-based information.
Integrate your existing systems with the API to automate processes and speed up your delivery operations.
How to integrate with Circuit’s API
Go to Settings > Integrations to read the complete technical documentation and best practices.

Improve performance with in-depth delivery analytics
Identifying areas where delivery performance can be improved without access to the right data can be difficult.
Circuit for Teams users can now access and run a range of delivery analytics reports to gain deeper insight into performance.
How to access delivery analytics reports:
- Go to Settings > Analytics
- View reports by team or individual driver
- Filter reports by a selected time period
- All reports are automatically updated to display the selected data
How to view a daily analytics snapshot
Go to Overview > At the top of the page, the daily analytics snapshot displays:
- Total completed routes
- Total successfully attempted stops
- Success rate percentage

Allow certain drivers to make specific stops
Some drivers may be more experienced than others or drive a more suitable vehicle, making them better equipped to carry out certain stops.
It’s now easy for dispatchers to only allow certain drivers to carry out specific stops.
How to allow certain drivers to make specific stops:
- On a route select or add a stop
- Under Stop Setup click the Allowed drivers drop-down menu
- Select the driver or drivers that are suitable to complete that stop
- Optimize the route, and that stop will only be assigned to a permitted driver

Optional proof of delivery
POD requirements can now be turned on or off for specific stops. Drivers can skip POD collection when it is not needed, which helps them to save valuable time across the duration of their route.
How to specify proof of delivery requirements
- Go to Settings > Proof of delivery
- Set account level defaults for POD collection
- When uploading route data, set POD as required or not required
- On a route, change the POD settings for a stop in Stop Setup

Dynamic stop status icons
Dispatchers can now see the real-time status of stops on an active route and make live changes to increase the chances of successful delivery.
How dynamic stop status icons work
Dynamic stop status icons are live indicators of a stop’s delivery progress:
- Orange dot = The stop is at risk of being early or late
- Green tick = The stop was completed on time
- Orange tick = The stop was completed early or late
- Red cross = The stop was not completed
Hover over each icon for additional detail about:
- Delivery status
- Arrival time
- Customer's ETA

Improved delivery experience for customers
Dispatchers can now choose to add customer service contact details to the delivery information available to customers, providing a better delivery experience to customers who need help.
Delivery tracking information provided to customers now includes:
- Dynamic estimated time of delivery
- Delivery status
- Proof of delivery information
- The ability for the customer to add delivery instructions
- Customer service contact email and/or telephone number
- Sender name and address
- Shareable tracking link

Make changes to live routes and notify drivers
Dispatchers who need to modify routes that are already in progress can do so whilst automatically notifying drivers about the changes that have been made.
A dispatcher or admin can now:
- Add or make changes to existing stops on a live route
- Preview changes
- Reoptimize a live route to include the latest changes
- Save or discard changes
- Notify the driver of the changes automatically
Same-day updates to routes are now easily carried out by Dispatchers and communicated instantly to drivers.

Create routes that avoid expensive toll roads
Toll roads can contribute to increased delivery costs, affecting profitability.
New account-wide settings now allow dispatchers and drivers to create delivery routes that automatically avoid toll roads.
How to set avoid toll preferences:
- Go to Settings > Route optimization
- Set ‘Avoid tolls’ to on
- Make sure drivers have their vehicle type set to ‘Car’
- Make sure drivers also have their navigation app set to ‘avoid tolls’

Faster access to the delivery dashboard and data
Previously, large teams with multiple drivers and routes may have experienced a slight lag as the Overview Dashboard page loaded.
Page loading performance has been improved so that large amounts of data can be quickly retrieved, processed, and displayed.
The Overview Dashboard page loads 50% faster for small teams and 3x faster for large ones, giving almost instant access to a view of daily delivery activity.

Select Map or Satellite view
In addition to the default map view, dispatchers and admins can now select satellite view for a photographic bird's eye view of routes.
This provides detailed satellite imagery of the landscape, which can help when trying to pinpoint hard-to-find or incorrectly mapped stops.
How to select satellite view
- Select a route
- In the top, right-hand corner of the map view are the options Map/Satellite
- Click on Satellite
- Click Map to swap back to the default map view

Select single/multiple stops to be attempted first or last
On a route, dispatchers can select:
- a single/multiple stops to be attempted first
- a single/multiple stops to be attempted last
This allows drivers to complete priority deliveries at the beginning of their route and leave less urgent deliveries until the end.
How to select single/multiple stops to be attempted first or last
- Click on a stop
- Under Stop Setup, select First or Last
- Stops marked as First will be attempted at the start of the route
- Stops marked as Last will be attempted at the end of the route
- There is no min/max limit on the number of stops you can mark as First/Last
- The default for any stop not marked as First/Last is Auto
- Stops marked as Auto will be added to the route order when it is optimized

Copy, view, and share proof of delivery information
When there is a problem with a delivery, dispatchers and admins often have to find proof of delivery and forward that to the concerned client or customer.
You can now easily find and copy all the POD information from a specific stop in one click.
How to copy and share POD info
- Click on the stop
- Below the POD info click the Copy details button
- This will copy all the POD info for that stop to your clipboard
- Paste this info wherever you need to transfer it
View the POD info your recipient sees
- Click on the stop
- Below the POD info click the Copy link button
- This will copy a link to your clipboard
- Open this link in your browser
- This link will display the same information the recipient sees when they click their tracking link

Make last-minute edits to optimized routes
Dispatchers who need to make last-minute changes to optimized routes can now easily make and roll back changes.
To minimize disruption to the driver, it is also possible to choose how those changes will impact the existing route order.
A dispatcher or admin can now:
- Add or make changes to existing stops on an optimized route
- Preview or Discard these changes
- Choose to reorder only the edited stops, reorder all the stops, or reorder and redistribute all stops
- In one click discard, all changes since changes were last saved
- Reassign a driver to a route after a route has been optimized
This is the first of three components that together will allow dispatchers and admins to edit live routes in the near future.