31 March 202411 minute read

The Top 4 Delivery Management Software in 2024

Managing deliveries can sometimes feel like keeping a dozen plates spinning 🚚🍽️

For small business owners and dispatch maestros, the daily grind of missed deliveries and the chorus of customer groans are all too familiar tunes.

Enter delivery management software, your backstage pass to hitting that sweet 100% delivery success rate.

But with so many options, picking the right one feels like finding a needle in a haystack.

You're in luck.

We've tried, tested, and researched over 10 of the top delivery management systems out there. The result? Four standout choices that truly sing.

We've also added expert insight from small business owners and dispatch managers who manage teams of drivers daily.

Whether you're tangled in the web of spreadsheets, stuck in the pen-and-paper era, or feeling let down by your current delivery management software, it's time for an upgrade.

Let's get stuck in.

Circuit for Teams is a simple software for optimizing routes with multiple drivers.

What makes the best delivery management software?

Based on our daily interactions with customers, we've identified five crucial aspects that stand out as make-or-break factors for most businesses:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Complex systems often lead to wasted time and frustration. Delivery management software should be user-friendly, allowing your team to manage deliveries efficiently without a steep learning curve.
  2. Advanced Route Optimization: At the core of delivery management is smart routing, so ensure your provider features intelligent route optimization. This smart calculation of routes can lead to significant time and cost savings, which are vital for your business.
  3. Real-Time Tracking and Updates: Real-time updates and tracking are crucial for staying agile in ever-changing conditions.
  4. In-sync driver and dispatcher apps: In our conversations, the absence of instant sync between the driver app and dispatch app, providing real-time information, was frequently highlighted as a major concern.
  5. Flexible Proof of Delivery: A feature often overlooked but vital for modern delivery operations. A good delivery management software allows you to choose what to collect and when, with options for effortlessly capturing signatures, delivery status, and photos.
  6. Scalability: And lastly, your software should grow with you. It's no good if it can't keep up when your business starts to take off.

The 4 Best delivery management software

Here it is folks, the delivery management software that tops the bill in 2024.

  • Circuit for Teams: for small local businesses and large courier companies.
  • Route4Me: for complex routing of large fleets.
  • Shipday: for basic delivery management.
  • eLogii: for enterprise delivery operations.

The best delivery management software at a glance

Brand Who it's best forUnique featurePricingCapterra Score (out of 5)
Circuit for TeamsSmall retailers and large couriersAdvanced route optimizationStarting at $100/month4.9 (97 reviews)
Route4MeLarge fleets and complex delivery operationsGPS truck navigationStarting at $149/month4.5 (388 reviews)
ShipdaySmall businesses looking for basic featuresAutomated driver assignmentFree plan available5.0 (19 reviews)
eLogiiEnterprise field service businessesVehicle-specific mappingAvailable on request4.8 (47 reviews)

Best delivery management software for 2024

Circuit for Teams

mobile and web app view of the Circuit for Teams delivery management software interface
  • Strengths: Best-in-class for delivery route optimization, live route tracking, real-time order updates, and ease-of-use.
  • Best for: Best for small retailers and large courier companies.
  • Key features: Advanced route planning, flexible proof of delivery, live route tracking, dynamic customer notifications, analytics, reporting, custom API integrations (from Zapier to Shopify), and delivery analytics.
  • Pricing: Affordable solutions for small and large businesses starting at $100 per month with a free 7 day trial.

Note: Dispatch managers and small business owners are transforming their delivery operations with Circuit for Teams. Experience more than 20% cost reduction with delivery management software that dramatically lowers failed deliveries and increases customer satisfaction all in one place! Start with our 7 day free trial.

The Circuit for Teams pricing structure showing four different tiered plans

Here's a summary of the Circuit for Teams' key features and functionalities:

Industry leading route planning and management

Dispatchers can quickly plan, optimize, and assign routes, using live driver tracking and real-time edits for world class route management​​.

Circuit will automatically calculate the best delivery route, factoring in time, distance, speed, and stop requirements without you needing to crunch the numbers.

If you encounter any inaccuracies with addresses, you can manually override them or add new stops directly on the map for precision.

You can apply the same update to multiple stops, set stop priorities, specify proof of delivery type, provide automated ETA's, and more, ensuring a tailored experience for your needs.

In case of any unattended stops, you can easily transfer them between routes with our bulk copy and paste function

The dispatcher web-app and driver app are totally in sync, so when you make a change, your driver gets the update instantly without having to lift a finger, keeping their focus right where it should be—on the road.

Our delivery management software also handles:

  • Flexible data entry options for both straightforward and complex stops
  • On-screen timelines
  • Custom delivery zones

Import your route data with ease

Uploading routes and stops in bulk is straightforward with our spreadsheet integration.

Plus, with the ability to switch between detailed and simplified stop markers, you maintain control over how you view your routes.

With just a click, you can import a spreadsheet of all your delivery stops and let Circuit work its magic to optimize your route.

Additonally, you can seamlessly integrate with third party platforms like Shopify.

A product screenshot of delivery management software showing how you can set priority delivery stops

Real-Time Driver Tracking

Circuit for Teams offers live route tracking and editing, facilitating quick response to last-minute changes and ensuring seamless delivery experiences​​.

You can get instant updates on your deliveries the moment they happen with instant confirmations, geotags, and updates on every stop.

Need to switch things up mid-route? No sweat. With just a tap, you can shuffle those in-progress deliveries to better suit the day's needs.

And if you need to tweak your routes while they're rolling, you can do that on the fly, in real-time, no fuss.

Plus, keep an eye on your drivers with a live GPS map, watching as they tick off each stop on their route.

It's like having a bird's eye view of your whole operation, making sure everything's running smooth.

Dynamic customer notifications

Keep those missed deliveries to a minimum by keeping your customers in the loop with dynamic customer notifications.

They're not just any updates; these clever little notifications adjust the delivery window on the fly, based on where the driver is on their route.

So, if things change, your customers will know right away, keeping them in the know and ready to receive their package.

Product screenshot of delivery management software showing how you can create fixed or dynamic delivery time windows

And when it comes to making sure everything's above board, our flexible proof of delivery steps up with in-app photos and signatures.

It's your rock-solid backup for those "just in case" moments, turning any disputes into a walk in the park to sort out

Delivery analytics

You can efficiently track driver performance by monitoring delivery attempts, success rates, daily averages, and trends.

The interface of delivery management software showing the analytics dashboard

This allows for a clear overview of how well drivers are meeting their targets, making it easy to identify performance bottlenecks and areas where delivery operations might be falling short.

All of your account activity, including historical route data, is automatically saved, providing a valuable resource for review and analysis.

You can also set a unique cost per delivery and track the average cost per delivery to accurately stay on top of operational expenses.

Here's a few more valuable delivery metrics you can track with Circuit for Teams delivery management software:

  • The most common reasons for failed deliveries
  • Filter reports by depot, team, or driver
  • The total completed routes, successful stops and success rate %
  • Compare planned versus actual route durations to identify discrepancies and opportunities for route optimization
  • Much, much more...

Manage multiple drivers and depots

Managing a web of depots and drivers is a breeze with a single delivery management software that lets you run complex depot networks from one account.

You'll have total flexibility to create routes for specific depots, or assign routes and drivers to any depot. And you can control it all in one screen.

Adding or removing drivers and depots is as straightforward as it gets, allowing you to adjust the size of your team monthly to meet your business's ever-changing needs.

Delivery management software interface showing multiple depot and driver management

Best delivery management software for large fleets


4 screenshots of the Route4Me delivery management software product interface overlaid upon one another
  • Strengths: Extensive route planning and optimization, customizable for various business scales, real-time tracking, and integration capabilities.
  • Best for: Businesses requiring complex routing solutions, including large fleets and varied operational scales.
  • Key features: Advanced multi-stop route planning, GPS truck navigation, dynamic rerouting, fleet tracking, mobile app integration, and detailed analytics.

Pricing: Starting from $149/month, offering comprehensive features suitable for businesses needing a robust routing solution.

Route4Me is a comprehensive route planning and optimization platform designed to cater to various business needs, especially in last-mile delivery operations.

While Route4Me offers comprehensive features, the software's complexity and higher starting cost might not align with the needs of businesses seeking a more streamlined and cost-efficient solution. 

Here is an overview of the Route4Me platform and features:

  1. Route Planning and Optimization:
  • Route4Me offers route planning capabilities, allowing users to plan reliable routes in minutes​​.
  • The platform can handle complex routing needs, such as weekly pool cleanings, sales visits, or daily changing delivery routes, fitting any schedule or size​​.
  • It simplifies the route creation process, where users can type, copy-and-paste, or upload a customer list, select drivers, and quickly generate optimized routes​​.
  1. Efficiency and Integration:
  • Route4Me is designed to reduce the time and effort involved in planning routes, helping to service more customers while saving on fuel and reducing environmental impact​​.
  • The platform integrates seamlessly with various devices and browsers, eliminating the need for expensive hardware or software installations​​.
  • It also offers real-time tracking of drivers and vehicles, providing a comprehensive overview of operations and enabling efficient reassignment and address changes​​​​.
  1. Data Analytics and Mobile Application:
  • Route4Me offers detailed analytics, including mileage, route manifests, and fuel cost savings, which are crucial for making informed business decisions​​.
  • The mobile application supports various devices and allows for the attachment of GPS-trackable notes and media to any stop on a route, enhancing communication and transparency within the operation​​.

Best free delivery management software


A screenshot of Shipday's delivery management software
  • Strengths: Specialization in local deliveries, particularly for restaurants and small-scale delivery services, with real-time tracking and customer engagement tools.
  • Best for: Small businesses, restaurants, ghost kitchens, and local delivery services seeking straightforward and efficient delivery management.
  • Key features: Easy order and driver management, automated driver assignment, third-party delivery service integration, built-in chat, and proof of delivery.
  • Pricing: Cost-effective options tailored for small business needs emphasizing simplicity and efficiency.

Shipday offers affordable, entry-level delivery management solutions for small local businesses. While this service may help small-scale local deliveries, its specialized focus might not cater to larger companies or provide a path for small businesses to scale.

Here is an overview of the Shipday platform and features:

  1. Ease of Use and Automation:
  • Shipday offers simplicity, catering to restaurants, ghost kitchens, grocery deliveries, and other local businesses. It stands out for its user-friendly interface and smart automation​​.
  • The platform enables comprehensive management of orders and drivers from a single place, offering automated driver assignment and built-in access to third-party delivery services. This integration is accessible on various devices, enhancing its versatility​​.
  1. Driver and Route Management:
  • Drivers using Shipday have easy access to order information, built-in chat for communication, proof-of-delivery features, and route optimization tools. These features contribute to quick and efficient delivery execution​​.
  1. Customer Engagement and Support:
  • Shipday enhances customer experience by providing real-time tracking links via text, allowing customers to receive up-to-the-minute ETAs. It also facilitates instant customer feedback and delivery confirmation through text and email, ensuring a transparent delivery process​​.
  • The platform boasts highly rated customer support, available 24/7 globally. This level of support underlines its commitment to user satisfaction and operational reliability​​.

Best delivery management software for enterprise delivery operations


A product screenshot of eLogii's delivery management software interface with route planning
  • Strengths: Scalable solutions for large-scale and complex delivery operations, capable of handling a wide range of operational constraints and industry needs.
  • Best for: Large businesses and enterprises with extensive delivery networks, including 3PL, courier services, and industries with specific delivery requirements.
  • Key features: Automated logistics, fast route optimization, real-time tracking and notifications, configurable ePOD workflow, multi-pick/multi-drop optimization.
  • Pricing: Enterprise-grade solutions with pricing reflecting the advanced and extensive features offered for large-scale operational needs.

eLogii is a delivery management software offering a range of features to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery operations for various businesses. 

While eLogii offers advanced features for handling large-scale and intricate delivery operations, its complexity and focus on enterprise-grade functionality might be overwhelming for smaller businesses or those with simpler delivery needs.

Circuit for Teams delivers a more user-friendly and efficient alternative, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses seeking simplicity without compromising essential delivery management features.

Here is an overview of the eLogii platform and features:

  1. Automated Logistics and Route Optimization:
  • eLogii streamlines delivery operations by automating logistics processes, including routing, scheduling, and dispatching, eliminating manual processes​​.
  • The platform boasts one of the fastest route optimizations in the market, capable of handling hundreds of routes in seconds. It can manage a variety of constraints, such as driver skills and vehicle capabilities​​.
  1. Scalability and Operational Complexity:
  • eLogii is designed to handle any level of scale or operational complexity, supporting everything from a single depot to hundreds and from 10 vehicles to thousands, making it suitable for businesses of various sizes​​.
  • The software provides an intuitive interface and enterprise-grade functionality, ensuring a balance between ease of use and advanced features​​.
  1. Security, Transparency, and Flexibility:
  • eLogii offers configurable electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) workflows and an auditable chain of custody, ensuring high security and transparency in delivery operations​​.
  • The platform enables unparalleled flexibility and optimization, seamlessly managing multi-pick and multi-drop scenarios and allowing adjustments to operational constraints based on rule sets​​.
  1. Industry Versatility:
  • eLogii supports various industries, including 3PL and courier, food and drink, non-food retail, pharmaceutical and healthcare, construction materials and DIY, restaurants, and field service, demonstrating its versatility across different sectors​​.

Delivery management software summary

Here's a quick recap of our best delivery management software for 2024:

  • While Route4Me offers extensive features for complex routing, it may be overly sophisticated for small to medium businesses due to its complexity and cost.
  • Shipday is an excellent entry-level delivery management solution for small local deliveries but lacks scalability for larger businesses.
  • eLogii, catering to large-scale operations with advanced features, may overwhelm smaller enterprises with its complexity and enterprise-focused functionality.
  • Circuit for Teams strikes the perfect balance with its precision in route optimization, user-friendly interface, and adaptable features, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small local retailers to large logistics companies.

We designed Circuit for Teams to scale with evolving business needs— from small local retailers to large logistics companies. Sign up for a free trial and discover how Circuit for Teams can revolutionize your delivery operations with affordable, user-friendly software.


What is delivery management software?

Last-mile delivery is a challenge for small businesses and large couriers alike. Traditionally, companies relied on logistics companies to move goods because managing the last mile was costly and complex.

Recent technological advances, including sophisticated AI route optimization, mean everyone from small local retailers to large logistics companies can afford delivery management software to deliver goods without the big teams and capital traditional delivery models used.

Delivery management software revolutionizes your last-mile operations by automating and streamlining the delivery process. It empowers your business with critical functionalities like efficiently scheduling and tracking orders, optimizing delivery routes for maximum time and cost savings, and significantly boosting driver performance.

This software is not just about managing tasks; it's about elevating your delivery operations to new heights, ensuring every order reaches its destination swiftly and reliably.

Why is delivery management software important?

Delivery management software is vital for modern businesses because it directly tackles the complexities of last-mile delivery. The software significantly reduces operational costs and enhances customer satisfaction by automating and optimizing the delivery process.

For example, a small local bakery using delivery management software can efficiently schedule and track multiple daily orders. The software's route optimization feature not only saves fuel and time but also allows for more deliveries in a day. This efficiency boosts the bakery's reputation for reliability and responsiveness, leading to increased customer loyalty and higher sales.

About the author

Cary HastingsSenior Content Strategist at Circuit

Cary is a content strategist at Circuit. He enjoys creating people-first content strategies and articles that solve challenges for readers in the best way possible. On weekends, you can probably find him in a bunker on the local golf course. Chat to Cary on LinkedIn.


Reduce your delivery costs by 20% with Circuit for Teams

Logistics map interface showing the New York afternoon delivery run with route lines and list of addresses