2 November 202312 minute read

Supply Chain Analytics: Types, Benefits & Best Practices


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Supply chain analytics is the practice of using data-driven insights to improve and optimize various aspects of supply chain management. 

It encompasses a range of analytical models and solutions, from descriptive and diagnostic analytics to predictive and prescriptive analytics. The goal is to make the supply chain more efficient, reduce costs, and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In today's fast-paced business environment, effective supply chain management is more crucial than ever. Companies are dealing with complex global networks, fluctuating demand, and the constant threat of disruptions.

Supply chain analytics offers a way to navigate these challenges by providing actionable insights for better decision-making. Whether it's optimizing inventory levels, improving procurement strategies, or enhancing logistics, analytics plays a vital role in modern supply chain management.

Key takeaways

  • Implement data-driven analytics to improve various facets of your supply chain, from inventory levels to demand forecasting.
  • Choose the right type of analytic — descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive, or advanced — to address specific supply chain challenges.
  • Invest in key technologies like data analytics, machine learning, and business intelligence tools to build a robust analytics strategy.
  • Utilize analytics to achieve tangible benefits such as cost reduction, smarter decision-making, and enhanced operational efficiency.
  • Prepare for and mitigate common challenges like supply chain disruptions and stockouts by employing analytics-based solutions.
  • Stay ahead of future trends like automation and big data to ensure your supply chain remains competitive and efficient.
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Types of supply chain analytics

types of supply chain analytics

Understanding the types of supply chain analytics is crucial for implementing the right strategies for your business. Below are the five main categories: 

  • Descriptive analytics. This is the most basic form of analytics, focusing on what has already happened in your supply chain. Descriptive analytics uses historical data to provide a clear picture of past performance, such as sales trends, inventory levels, and shipping times. It's the foundation upon which other types of analytics are built.
  • Diagnostic analytics. While descriptive analytics tells you what happened, diagnostic analytics digs deeper to explain why it happened. This involves more complex data processing and may use techniques like data mining to identify patterns or anomalies. For example, diagnostic analytics can help you understand why a particular product is underperforming or why shipping delays are occurring.
  • Predictive analytics. Predictive analytics takes historical data and uses it to forecast future events. This can be invaluable for anticipating demand, planning inventory, and optimizing procurement. Machine learning algorithms are often used to improve the accuracy of these forecasts over time.
  • Prescriptive analytics. This type of analytics goes beyond predicting future outcomes by suggesting specific actions to achieve desired results. For example, prescriptive analytics might recommend adjusting order quantities or rerouting shipments to avoid anticipated delays. It's like having an expert advisor that provides actionable recommendations based on data.
  • Advanced analytics. Advanced analytics is an umbrella term that includes more complex forms of analytics, often involving real-time data and the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques. This can include things like real-time dashboard monitoring, complex event processing, and optimization algorithms that adapt in real-time to changing conditions.

Each of these types of analytics offers unique benefits and can be used in combination to provide a comprehensive, data-driven approach to supply chain management.

Key components in supply chain analytics

To harness the full potential of supply chain analytics, it's essential to understand its key components. These elements work in tandem to provide a robust, data-driven approach to managing and optimizing your supply chain.

  • Data analytics. Data analytics serves as the backbone of any supply chain analytics initiative. It involves collecting, processing, and analyzing data to extract useful insights. This can range from simple descriptive statistics to more complex analyses that help in decision-making and future planning.
  • Machine learning. Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows systems to learn from data. In the context of supply chain analytics, machine learning algorithms can be used to forecast demand, optimize pricing, and even predict maintenance needs for machinery. The more data the algorithms are exposed to, the more accurate and effective they become.
  • Artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes machine learning a step further by mimicking human intelligence. AI can analyze large sets of data faster and more accurately than humans, making it invaluable for complex supply chain networks. It can also automate routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic activities.
  • Business intelligence. Business intelligence (BI) tools are essential for visualizing and interpreting the data collected. These tools can generate real-time dashboards, reports, and charts that make it easier for decision-makers to understand the state of their supply chain. BI tools can integrate data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of operations.
  • Data sources and data sets. The quality of your analytics is only as good as the data you use. Data can come from various sources like ERP systems, IoT devices, and even social media. It's crucial to identify the right data sets to analyze that are clean, relevant, and up-to-date.

Understanding these key components will enable you to implement a more effective and comprehensive supply chain analytics strategy. By integrating data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence, you can make more informed decisions that will ultimately benefit your entire supply chain.

Benefits of supply chain analytics 

Embracing supply chain analytics can transform your business in various ways. Here's how:

  • Optimization. Analytics helps fine-tune your supply chain. By analyzing data, you can identify the best ways to manage inventory, streamline logistics, and improve procurement. The result? Lower costs and higher profits.
  • Better decision-making. With analytics, decisions are backed by data instead of gut feelings. This leads to smarter choices that can positively impact your supply chain, from selecting vendors to setting pricing strategies.
  • Operational efficiency. Analytics can pinpoint inefficiencies in your supply chain, allowing you to address them directly. This leads to faster, more reliable operations, which in turn boosts customer satisfaction.
  • Sustainability. Analytics can guide you toward a greener supply chain by identifying areas for improvement, such as reducing waste or lowering emissions. This is good for the planet and can also attract eco-conscious customers.
  • Real-time visualization. Modern tools offer real-time dashboards that show you exactly how your supply chain is performing at any given moment. This allows for quick adjustments, helping you adapt to market changes instantly.

By leveraging these benefits, you can create a more efficient, sustainable, and profitable supply chain.

Challenges and solutions 

While supply chain analytics offers numerous benefits, it's not without its challenges. Here are some common issues and how analytics can provide solutions:

Disruptions in the supply chain 

  • Challenge. Supply chain disruptions occur due to various factors such as natural disasters, geopolitical issues, or supplier failures. These disruptions lead to delays, increased costs, and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Solution. Analytics helps by predicting potential disruptions based on historical data and current events. This allows businesses to develop contingency plans or identify alternative suppliers in advance, minimizing the impact of disruptions.

Stockouts and inventory levels

  • Challenge. Running out of stock can result in lost sales and damage to your brand reputation. On the other hand, overstocking leads to increased holding costs.
  • Solution. Supply chain analytics optimizes inventory levels by analyzing sales trends, seasonal fluctuations, and supplier lead times. This makes sure you have just the right amount of stock to meet demand without incurring extra costs.

Global supply chain complexities

  • Challenge. Managing a global supply chain involves dealing with different time zones, languages, and regulations, making it a complex task.
  • Solution. Analytics tools consolidate data from various global sources into a single dashboard, making it easier to manage. They also help compliance by tracking regulations and standards across different countries.

By understanding these challenges and employing analytics-based solutions, you can mitigate risks and optimize your supply chain for better performance and profitability.

Best practices in supply chain analytics

To maximize the benefits of supply chain analytics, it's essential to follow some best practices. These guidelines can help you optimize supply chain performance and make the most of your analytics initiatives.

Align analytics with SCM objectives.

Make sure your analytics goals align with your overall supply chain management (SCM) objectives. This creates a cohesive strategy that addresses key performance indicators (KPIs).

Alignment ensures that analytics efforts directly contribute to improving supply chain performance and achieving business goals.

Choose the right methodologies.

Select analytical methodologies best suited for your specific supply chain challenges. This could range from predictive modeling to time-series analysis.

The right methodologies can provide more accurate and actionable insights, making your analytics initiatives more effective.

Focus on supply chain planning.

Use analytics to enhance your supply chain planning, including demand forecasting, inventory management, and procurement strategies.

Effective supply chain planning is crucial for optimizing performance and reducing costs.

Leverage transactional data.

Don't overlook transactional data, such as purchase orders and shipment records, as it can provide valuable insights into supplier performance and customer behavior.

Transactional data can reveal patterns and trends that may not be apparent from high-level metrics alone.

Optimize warehousing operations.

Use analytics to improve warehousing operations by analyzing data on storage efficiency, labor productivity, and order fulfillment.

Efficient warehousing contributes to faster order fulfillment and lower operational costs.

Invest in specialized supply chain software.

Consider investing in specialized supply chain software with advanced analytics capabilities, real-time monitoring, and integration with existing systems.

Specialized software provides more comprehensive and tailored analytics solutions, enhancing your supply chain performance.

By following these best practices and leveraging the right tools and methodologies, you can build a more effective and efficient supply chain analytics strategy.

Tools and technologies

The effectiveness of your supply chain analytics largely depends on the tools and technologies you employ. Here's a rundown of some essential platforms and systems: 

  • Analytics tools. These are specialized software designed to collect, process, and analyze data. They generate reports, dashboards, and visualizations to help you understand your supply chain's performance. Analytics tools are the cornerstone of any data-driven strategy. They provide the insights needed for optimization and better decision-making.
  • ERP systems. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate various business processes into a single platform, from finance and HR to supply chain management. An ERP system serves as a central repository for all your supply chain data, making it easier to collect and analyze.
  • IoT. Internet of Things (IoT) devices collect real-time data from various points in the supply chain, such as location trackers on shipments or sensors on manufacturing equipment. IoT provides real-time insights, allowing for immediate action to improve efficiency or address issues as they arise.
  • Social media. Social media platforms serve as an unconventional data source, providing insights into consumer behavior and market trends. Analyzing social media data helps you anticipate demand, identify potential disruptions, and gauge public sentiment about your brand.
  • Spreadsheets from IBM and Microsoft. Spreadsheets on platforms like IBM or Microsoft Excel are often used for basic data analysis and reporting. While not as advanced as specialized analytics tools, spreadsheets are accessible and easy to use for smaller-scale analytics tasks.

By leveraging these tools and technologies, you can build a more robust, efficient, and insightful supply chain analytics strategy.

Data in supply chain analytics

Data serves as the lifeblood of any analytics initiative. Understanding the types of data and how to use them effectively is crucial for successful supply chain analytics. 

Here's what you need to know: 

Structured vs. unstructured data

  • Structured data. This is data that is organized into tables, rows, and columns, making it easy to query and analyze. Examples include sales figures, inventory levels, and shipping times.
  • Unstructured data. This type of data is not organized in a pre-defined manner and includes formats like text, images, and social media posts.

Structured data is easier to analyze but may not provide a complete picture. Unstructured data, while harder to process, offers deeper insights into consumer behavior or market trends.

Data science and analytical techniques

  • Data science. This involves using scientific methods to extract knowledge and insights from data. It often employs techniques from statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Analytical techniques. These are specific methods used to analyze data, such as regression analysis, clustering, and time-series forecasting.

Employing advanced data science and analytical techniques provides more accurate and actionable insights, helping you optimize various aspects of your supply chain.

Metrics for measuring performance

Metrics give you a quantifiable measure of your supply chain's performance. They help you identify areas for improvement and gauge the effectiveness of implemented changes.

By understanding the nuances of data types, employing advanced analytical techniques, and focusing on the right metrics, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your supply chain analytics.

Applications in supply chain management

Supply chain analytics has a wide range of applications that transform various aspects of supply chain management. Here are some key areas where analytics can make a significant impact:

  • Inventory management. Analytics helps you optimize your inventory levels by analyzing sales data, seasonal trends, and supplier lead times. Proper inventory management makes sure you have just enough stock to meet demand, reducing holding costs and preventing stockouts.
  • Procurement. Analytics assists in supplier selection, contract negotiation, and purchase planning by analyzing supplier performance, market rates, and internal needs. Effective procurement leads to cost savings, better supplier relationships, and a more reliable supply chain.
  • Pricing. Price optimization models analyze market demand, competitor prices, and other external factors to set the optimal price for products. Setting the right price can maximize profits while maintaining customer satisfaction and market share.
  • Warehouse management. Analytics optimizes warehouse operations by analyzing data on storage efficiency, labor productivity, and order fulfillment rates. Efficient warehouse management reduces operational costs and improves order fulfillment speed, leading to happier customers.
  • Demand planning and forecasting. Predictive analytics forecast future demand for products based on historical data and market trends. Accurate demand forecasting helps in production planning, inventory management, and confirms you meet customer needs without overstocking.

By applying analytics to these areas, you can create a more efficient, responsive, and cost-effective supply chain, positioning your business for success in a competitive marketplace.

Steps to implement supply chain analytics

Embarking on a journey to integrate analytics into your supply chain can seem daunting. However, a structured approach makes the process manageable and more likely to succeed. 

Here are some steps to guide you through the implementation of supply chain analytics:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment. Identify the challenges and opportunities within your supply chain that could benefit from analytics. This could range from inventory management issues to supplier performance.
  2. Set objectives and KPIs. Clearly define what you aim to achieve with analytics. Set measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress and success.
  3. Assemble a cross-functional team. Create a team made of members from different departments such as IT, logistics, and procurement. A diverse team can provide a holistic view of the supply chain.
  4. Choose the right tools and technologies. Based on your needs and objectives, select the analytics tools and technologies most suitable for your organization. This could include specialized supply chain software, business intelligence (BI) tools, or machine learning algorithms.
  5. Perform data collection and cleaning. Gather the data you'll need for analysis. Ensure the data is clean, accurate, and relevant to your objectives.
  6. Conduct pilot testing. Before a full-scale rollout, conduct a pilot test to evaluate the effectiveness of your analytics strategy. Make adjustments based on the results.
  7. Full implementation and monitoring. Once the pilot phase is successful, proceed with full-scale implementation. Continuously monitor performance through the KPIs you've set, and make data-driven adjustments as needed.
  8. Review and iterate. Regularly review the analytics outcomes and the value they bring to your supply chain. Use these insights for continuous improvement.

By following these steps, you can systematically implement supply chain analytics in your organization. 

The key is to start small, measure effectiveness rigorously, and scale your efforts as you see positive results. This structured approach will help you unlock the full potential of analytics, making your supply chain more efficient, resilient, and competitive.

As technology continues to evolve, so does the landscape of supply chain analytics. 

The use of automation and robotics in supply chains is expected to increase, handling everything from sorting inventory to transporting goods within a warehouse. 

Automation can significantly speed up operations and reduce human error, leading to more efficient and reliable supply chains. It also allows human workers to focus on more complex tasks that can't be automated.

The amount of data available for analysis is growing exponentially, thanks in part to the Internet of Things (IoT) and increased consumer interaction online. 

Big data provides deeper insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This enables more accurate demand forecasting and personalized marketing strategies, aligning supply more closely with consumer demand.

Supply chains are becoming more complex and interconnected, involving multiple stakeholders from manufacturers and suppliers to retailers and consumers. 

As supply chains grow more complex, the need for real-time data and analytics becomes more critical. This enables better coordination among stakeholders and more agile responses to disruptions or market changes.

These trends point to a future where supply chain analytics will become even more integral to business operations. By staying ahead of these trends, you can better prepare your supply chain for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

the power of supply chain analytics

Harness the power of analytics for a smarter supply chain

As we've explored throughout this article, analytics is revolutionizing the way we manage and optimize supply chains. From inventory management and procurement to demand forecasting and pricing, data-driven insights are making supply chains more efficient, cost-effective, and resilient.

The importance of making data-driven decisions cannot be overstated. In a world where supply chains are increasingly complex and subject to various risks and disruptions, analytics provides the clarity and foresight needed to navigate challenges successfully. 

Supply chain analytics empowers businesses to make informed decisions that align with both short-term operational needs and long-term strategic goals.

Circuit for Teams stands out as a robust solution for enhancing your supply chain analytics. Its real-time analytics feature allows you to monitor performance metrics instantly, enabling quick adjustments and immediate action. 

Circuit for Teams also offers seamless collaboration tools, making it easier for teams across different departments to share insights and coordinate efforts.

By integrating Circuit for Teams into your supply chain analytics strategy, you can benefit from a more streamlined, data-driven, and collaborative approach to supply chain management.

Ready to transform your supply chain with the power of analytics? Sign up for Circuit for Teams today and discover how you can make smarter, more informed decisions that drive success.

About the author

Heather Reinblatt
Heather ReinblattContributor

Heather Reinblatt is a managing editor currently living in St. Louis, Missouri. She spends her free time reading, trying new recipes, and cuddling her cat Paisley. You can find Heather on LinkedIn.


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