19 June 20245 minute read

The Top 4 Fleet Routing Software to Transform your Delivery Operation

A circuit route.

Sorting through the many fleet routing software options can be tricky.  To clear the confusion and point you in the right direction, we've done the heavy lifting for you.

Our team thoroughly evaluated each option, focusing on practicality, cost-effectiveness, customer support, and key features like route optimization, live driver tracking, API integration, and proof of delivery.

Rest assured — these recommendations result from in-depth analysis, all aimed at helping you make a well-informed decision that will streamline your delivery operations and save you time and money.

Note: Dispatch managers at courier companies and small business owners are making more money and saving time with Circuit for Teams fleet routing software. Start your 14-day free trial today.

Circuit for Teams is a simple software for optimizing routes with multiple drivers.

The 4 best fleet routing software

  • Circuit for Teams: Best for courier companies and small business owners.
  • Samsara: Optimal for large-scale enterprise fleets.
  • Motive: Tailored for long-haul driving efficiency.
  • IntelliShift: Focused on enhancing safety management.

What makes the best fleet routing software?

Selecting the ideal fleet routing software is essential for boosting your business's profitability and streamlining delivery operations. The best software finds the perfect balance between advanced functionality and ease of use.

In our search, we've targeted solutions that adeptly merge efficient location tracking and user-friendly interfaces while incorporating key features such as real-time traffic updates, live fleet tracking, robust integration capabilities, and comprehensive analytics to improve route efficiency.  

What makes good fleet routing software?

We've looked for fleet management software solutions that effectively balance these elements, which are crucial for enhancing delivery operations:

  • Route optimization abilities: Top-tier routing software must offer accurate multi-stop route optimization. This isn't just a convenience — it's necessary for businesses looking to save money and increase efficiency. An effective route optimization tool significantly reduces your delivery team's workload and planning time, leading to reduced operational costs and increased profitability.
  • Automated customer notifications: It is crucial to notify customers promptly and accurately about the estimated arrival time of their packages. This feature improves customer satisfaction and ensures they are prepared to receive their package, reducing the amount of failed deliveries.
  • Delivery constraints management: A sophisticated routing algorithm that can handle specific business constraints — like service time windows, vehicle capacity, and delivery prioritization — is vital. Effectively managing these constraints leads to optimized operational efficiency, allowing businesses to focus more on quality service rather than logistical challenges.
  • Proof of delivery: Proof of delivery might not be the first thing you think of when considering fleet routing software, especially for larger logistics operations, but it is important. A good system should make it easy to capture proof of delivery, whether through photos or e-signatures. This feature becomes crucial in confirming successful deliveries and effectively handling any disputes over packages that are reported as missing. 

Our goal was to find software solutions that go beyond just high-tech features. We wanted tools that really make a difference in your day-to-day delivery operations. It's all about making your job easier, managing your fleet more smoothly, and ramping up efficiency in a way that you'll notice every single day.

The best fleet routing software at a glance

BrandWho it’s best forUnique FeaturePricingCapterra Score (out of 5)
Circuit for TeamsCourier Companies & Small Business OwnersAdvanced multi-driver route optimization, live tracking and electronic proof of deliveryEssentials: $100/mo for 2 drivers<br>Standard: $200/mo for 3 drivers<br>Pro: Starting at $200/mo for 6 drivers4.9
SamsaraLarge Logistics CompaniesComprehensive fleet management and complianceCustom pricing4.1
MotiveLong-Haul DriversReal-time tracking and safety complianceCustom pricing4.5
IntelliShiftSafety ManagementAI-powered safety and operational insightsCustom pricing4.5

The best fleet routing software for courier companies and small businesses

In the quest for the best fleet routing software, we might be a bit biased, but Circuit truly stands out. It's not just about plotting points on a map; it's about smart, adaptable route planning that grows with your business. Imagine juggling multiple drivers and stops with ease, tweaking routes on-the-fly, and getting real-time updates – that's Circuit for you. 

It integrates seamlessly with your systems, making life simpler for both the big-league dispatch managers and the small business owners. Sure, we're tooting our own horn here, but once you see Circuit in action, you'll understand why!

Circuit for Teams

Circuit for Teams software interface on mobile and web

Circuit for Teams is our robust B2B software solution, especially fitting for courier companies and small business owners to streamline their last-mile delivery operations. It stands out with its dual-interface approach — a GPS mobile app for drivers and a web application for dispatch/fleet managers or business owners. 

This design ensures that while drivers efficiently navigate their routes, the dispatchers or business owners can monitor and manage everything from their workstations or on the go. What sets Circuit for Teams apart is its ability to handle the complex logistics of multi-driver scenarios, making it an indispensable tool for businesses that want to maintain an edge in the fast-paced delivery world.

Circuit for Teams pros

  • Comprehensive Delivery Analytics: Offers in-depth insights for identifying cost and time savings, alongside monitoring individual driver performances
Circuit for Teams analytics dashboard
  • Intuitive Route Planning: Allows for easy addition of multiple stops and auto-optimization of routes, with flexibility in setting priorities and delivery types
  • Seamless Management of Multiple Drivers and Depots: Provides capabilities to manage complex depot networks and adjust team size based on needs
Circuit for Teams product screenshot of choosing depots
  • Real-time Live Route Tracking: Monitor your drivers in real-time on a GPS map, ensuring precise route management with instant alerts on delivery statuses
  • Effective Customer Notifications: Keeps package recipients informed with automatic updates, improving the delivery experience
  • Versatile Proof of Delivery Options: Enhances delivery verification with photos, signatures, and notes
  • Integrated Dispatcher View and Driver App: Synchronizes the dispatcher’s decisions with the driver’s actions in real-time for efficient route management
  • Customizable API and Integrations: Facilitates integration with existing logistics systems for enhanced route optimization and other third party tools such as Zapier for automated processes
Six boxes each showing a different Circuit for Teams feature

Circuit for Teams cons

  • More beneficial for multi-driver operations than for one driver teams.
  • Easy-to-use, but some users may need time to fully adapt to the more sophisticated functions

Circuit for Teams pricing

  • Essentials Plan: $100/mo for basic functionality, ideal for smaller teams — this is for teams who just want to optimize routes and track their driver's progress
  • Standard Plan: $200/mo, includes additional features like proof of delivery and customer notifications
  • Pro Plan: $500/mo, offers advanced analytics for larger teams seeking to optimize their delivery efficiency

Click here for the most accurate Circuit for Teams Pricing.

About the author

Cary HastingsSenior Content Strategist at Circuit

Cary is a content strategist at Circuit. He enjoys creating people-first content strategies and articles that solve challenges for readers in the best way possible. On weekends, you can probably find him in a bunker on the local golf course. Chat to Cary on LinkedIn.


Reduce your delivery costs by 20% with Circuit for Teams

Logistics map interface showing the New York afternoon delivery run with route lines and list of addresses