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28 Jan 2022
Specify how fast or slow a driver is compared to other drivers

Specify how fast or slow a driver is compared to other drivers

Not all drivers can deliver the same number of packages in a day.

Now it’s possible to specify how fast/slow a driver is compared to other drivers, which is then reflected in the optimized routes created.

Reflect driver experience and efficiency when optimizing your route

From today stops allocated and ETAs in a plan take into account the experience or efficiency of the driver.

Not all drivers can complete their routes at the same speed. They might take more or less time to drive between stops, or to complete the delivery, they might be a new driver, a temporary driver, or driving in a new area.

Customize the speed at which a driver both drives and carries out a delivery

You can override the default setting of average to slower or faster to reflect the speed of driving from stop to stop and completing deliveries compared to other drivers.

The setting can be changed at driver level by selecting "override route default" in the membership tab settings or at driver route level by changing the Driving & Delivery Speed settings depending on whether you want to apply the speed setting to all routes for that driver or a specific route.

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Logistics map interface showing the New York afternoon delivery run with route lines and list of addresses