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03 Feb 2022
Improved route management

Improved route management

Finding a specific stop on a particular day can be challenging in a pool of drivers and routes. We have updated our design to make finding and focusing on particular routes and stops easier.

In the overview sidebar:

  • Routes are now grouped by status so you can easily see which routes have not started, have started, or are finished.
  • When looking at an overview of all routes, you can now search all stops on all routes. By clicking a specific route, the search function will only search stops within that selected route.
  • Stops that cannot be added to a route are highlighted so they can be corrected.

On the map view:

  • At the top of the map page, there is an overview button. Toggle between existing routes and dates, or add new routes using this feature.

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Logistics map interface showing the New York afternoon delivery run with route lines and list of addresses