Interparcel UK Tracking

Track your Interparcel delivery anywhere in the world, in seconds.

Interparcel Tracking

Interparcel gets huge discounts with major couriers due to bulk orders. A few big names Interparcel works with are UPS, DHL, FedEx, and more.

About Interparcel

Interparcel uses couriers with domestic and worldwide presences, so they can deliver anywhere by choosing a suitable courier.

Interparcel has earned respect as a logistics and eCommerce service throughout the UK and beyond. Compare the prices between big players like DHL and Interparcel to find the best deal.

Interparcel tracking

Interparcel package tracking works just like other tracking tools. The difference is that you are not tracking Interparcel couriers because this company finds the best rate and forwards your order to another courier.

How to find your Interparcel tracking number

How to find your Interparcel tracking shipment number depends on whether you are the sender or the receiver. The sender books the order with Interparcel, then pays and gets everything from the courier first.

Once the sender completes the online booking, that person gets the tracking number immediately. Interparcel also sends an email with the number in the top corner.

Usually, the receiver orders from an online site similar to Amazon, which means the sender can give the tracking number in an email and the SMS text number provided.

You must never delete any messages about the order since email and text messages are the only links you have to the tracking number. Sometimes receivers find legalese-sounding wording and assume the message is not essential.

Note: If you want to find your Interparcel package quickly and easily without the hassle, simply download Circuit Package Tracker for free.

How to track your Interparcel order location

The track Interparcel shipment tool will be familiar to anyone who has ever tracked packages online before. You copy and paste the number into the field, and there is only one button with no other options.

To find the tool, you will probably land on the Interparcel homepage. All you have to do is find the row of buttons on the top of the page in the middle between “Interparcel” and “Login.”

The second-to-last button reads “Track My Parcel.” That button leads you to the dedicated tracking page, which does not have other options except a chat tool.

Since the page does not have much data, you will have to test to find if you can enter multiple tracking numbers. Entering a number, a comma, a space, and another number is probably the best method to try first.

Lost Interparcel tracking number

Losing an Interparcel shipment tracking number is rare but happens in some cases. You are probably more likely to have a wrong number thanks to online messages that only disappear if you delete your messages.

How to track an Interparcel package without a tracking number

When you think to yourself, ‘Two days have passed. I should track my Interparcel package now,’ you will have to have the number. Most people find their tracking number in an email they overlooked.

The other possibility is that the sender gives you a confirmation and forgets to include the tracking number. This scenario is also rare because anybody who does not get a number will always contact the sender, making extra work.

Whatever the reason, you can contact support or the sender if you do not have a working number. Of these two, the sender is usually the best option by far.

Many senders are entrepreneurs running a business alone or with only a few staff. Such a small team can get your message and send the tracking number quickly.

The sender is also the best option if both of you got a bad number because Interparcel would rather talk to the person who created the order.

About using the sender versus support to solve tracking issues, you can save a lot of time if you rely on the sender to help with problems. The reason is that the sender is running a small business.

In the modern internet era, a small business can take a lot of damage from low ratings and a few negative comments. Offering excellent customer service is necessary for the business to survive.

You may as well take advantage of such a great resource because if you chose the sender because of their high rating, this person would bend over backward to solve any problems.

Solving Interparcel tracking issues

Tracking issues are common and seldom mean that something went wrong with an order. The issue usually comes down to a misunderstanding or relatively harmless human error.

Even if there is some human error, the package will probably still arrive on time.

Why you can't track your Interparcel package

The most basic reasons are that you might enter the number incorrectly or have a bad number. When you copy and paste the number, ensure you did not copy any extra spaces.

The most likely reason is that the courier did not scan the barcode yet. The reason you already have a tracking number but the courier does not have the package is because of scheduling.

What usually happens is the sender has orders coming and going several times a week, so the easiest method is to collect all the orders for a day and send the packages on the next working day.

Interparcel picks packages up, which can cause an extra delay because the sender can drive to the office faster sometimes. Package collection is similar to delivery because the collector is going around to all the collection points.

The first barcode scan happens when the package reaches an office or facility. Tracking starts once Interparcel scans the barcode.

You may think there is a problem with the duration between placing your order and finding the first tracking status. A weekend can exacerbate the situation because your Friday or weekend order may not get going until Monday or Tuesday.

Always allow at least 2-3 business days between when you place your order and when you find that the courier has started updating your tracking status.

The process should move faster, but sometimes the sender needs more time to give the order to the courier.

Why your Interparcel package is not updating or moving

When you start getting tracking statuses and then the order seems to stop moving, the reason is similar to not finding any tracking statuses.

The difference, in this case, is that no one scans the barcode at a stop during transit for a long time because of delays. The delay can happen on the road from an accident, bad weather, bad traffic, and more.

Another scenario is when the courier completes a long drive between cities and arrives at a busy hub or facility with full cargo bays and trucks lining up outside. How long the wait outside goes on depends on the workload.

Unloading the truck does not result in an immediate barcode scan. When packages get unloaded, they get organized and put in bins or stacks. How long organizing takes at a busy facility also depends on the workload.

The point is that a long journey, plus delays, can mean that you do not find a new tracking status for many hours longer than you think. The best thing to do is wait a few hours, or until the next day, and check again.

The good news is that these delays only affect the delivery time if the delay is worse than usual. Couriers factor delays into estimated delivery times.

A delivery time that reads something like 2-3 days means the delivery should arrive in two days. A three-day delivery time means that the delays lasted longer than usual.

Interparcel tracking status explained

Interparcel has interesting tracking statuses since they are not the courier. You get tracking data from the courier that goes through Interparcel, and the outcome resembles Interparcel telling you what the courier said.

In transit

You may or may not find the word “transit” in a tracking status because Interparcel changes the language the courier uses slightly. The most likely two scenarios are to find a status that says “transit” or one that uses departure and arrival updates.

Why your Interparcel package is still in transit

The first thing to address is that, depending on your needs, any one of several different couriers may have your package. The reason a package can stay in transit varies because there are so many couriers.

Despite all the couriers, packages stay in transit because a customs office stops the package to claim duty (tax) or because there is a problem with the contents.

Sometimes you will have a difficult time knowing if your package entered a customs office. If you cannot tell easily, you can use the tracking status to deduce what happened.

Your last tracking status should show that the package landed in a new country. Then, an unusual amount of time passes without a new status, which allows you to suspect that a customs stop is likely to blame.

The best thing to do next is to contact the sender to investigate the problem for you.

Sometimes packages stay in transit too long on domestic deliveries. Domestic routes should rarely exceed 2-3 business days. When they do, there could be a serious problem like a lost package, an accident, or a natural disaster.

Sometimes nothing is wrong beyond unusual delays, so allow 5-7 days to pass before contacting the sender to investigate the problem.

How long an Interparcel package can stay in transit

How long transit times may last is the hardest question to answer with Interparcel because efficient couriers like FedEx and UPS move faster than others. TNT is about mid-range, and some others can be slow.

All domestic orders should take no more than three business days. Always remember that business days can add up to more total days, depending on the weekend hours the courier keeps.

International orders vary much more than domestic orders. The window changes from 1-16 days, depending on the courier. The average should fall into the 5-10 day range.

The final scenario to plan for is knowing what happens if the customs office stops your package for duty or because the country has banned the package contents.

For duty, customs offices usually hold an order for around 30 days. The policy for what happens at the end of the holding period varies between countries. 

Some countries will return the package to the sender, and other countries will destroy the package. The same policy goes for rejecting banned items.

Although, returning the package to the sender is a bit more common for banned items. Some countries keep (steal) or destroy banned items.


Interparcel also does not use the word “pending” in tracking statuses. They prefer to use active statuses that reflect arrivals and departures. If you get a status about arriving at a customs office, you should find a departure soon.

Why your Interparcel package may be pending

Pending statuses do not often happen with most couriers. What most couriers do applies uniquely to Interparcel because they work with so many.

The most common pending status is when a package enters a customs office and waits to get cleared. Sometimes couriers have to update delivery details, such as the address, and the status is pending until finished.

If you are confident that your package has been pending in a customs office for at least seven business days, you can contact the sender to find out if something is wrong. Sometimes customs offices are just slow.

Interparcel delivery times

You can use Interparcel opening hours to understand when they will pick up your package. Delivery times are at the mercy of another courier once the transfer happens.

Some couriers have access to vast networks that move fast, while others move more slowly.

Interparcel delivery times: What time will your package arrive

Interparcel hands orders off to so many different couriers that they have to stick to estimated delivery times in terms of days. Even the same-day delivery service says one working day.

Most people will choose the Economy service. The Economy option uses several different companies that deliver between 1-3 working days for domestic orders. The equivalent international service is Worldwide and delivers in 2-16 working days.

People who need a fast domestic order can choose Next Day which delivers in one working day across the board. Express is similar for international orders and takes between 1-10 working days.

How late Interparcel delivers

To figure out how late Interparcel delivers, you will have to find the courier who has the package and check their delivery times. In some regions, everyone knows that packages arrive late.

Most of the time, you should know the day your package is coming, but the only times you will find it will range from something like 8 am to 5 pm.

You can easily find when Interparcel closes, but those times will not help you once your package is with another courier.

International Interparcel delivery times

The times will depend on which courier handles the delivery. Use local business hours as a guide, or contact the local courier in your area.

Lost and missed Interparcel deliveries

You have some automatic coverage for lost deliveries, and you can add more. Missed deliveries should rarely cause problems.

What happens if you miss an Interparcel delivery

Missed deliveries come down to the policy of the courier. There is almost always a holding period or several redelivery attempts.

How long Interparcel will hold a package

The policy of the courier applies to the holding period. Most holding periods last about 15 days. Most redelivery attempts total three attempts with no further holding period.

What to do if you haven't received your Interparcel package

If the courier loses the package, all orders have transit cover that works like insurance.

Always make sure your package is not with a customs office. You probably have about 30 days before you lose the order.

Interparcel tracking FAQs

Interparcel has an extensive knowledge base if you have more questions.

Is Interparcel delivery fast?

Yes, Interparcel partners with many of the best couriers in the world who deliver quickly and on time. You can choose slower options if you want to save money.

Can I track an Interparcel package by address?

No, because the tracking tool only works if you use your tracking number. Contact the sender if you do not have a working number.

How do I know if my Interparcel package is stuck in customs?

The best case scenario is that the customs office quickly sends you a notification telling you to pay duty to get your package. The problem is that these offices are rarely fast and efficient.

As a backup plan, use your tracking status to find the date your package entered for its customs inspection. Customs offices often clear packages within a few hours, but with delays, they might take up to seven business days.

Make sure to figure out if your package stopped at a customs office. They may only hold your package for 30 days if they need to collect tax. After that period, they may return your package to the sender or destroy the contents.

You can always contact the sender if you need any help.

Follow your Interparcel package from the store to your door and download Circuit Package Tracker for free now.

CPT allows senders and receivers to track their package across over 2000+ carriers, including USPS, UPS, DHL, JT Express, Yun Express, China EMS, and many more.