24 Jan 2022

Share real-time route data
Sometimes it can be useful for drivers to share their live location and route information with a 3rd party. We’ve made this possible on Circuit Route Planner with our new shareable read-only route links.
How to share a read-only route link
- Within a route under the route name you will see the option to ‘share your live progress’
- Click the blue Share button
- A pop up of share options will appear
- You can copy the link and share it
- Choose Nearby Share to send the route via bluetooth to a nearby device
- Share the route using your phone apps such as Whatsapp, email, SMS
When receiving a read-only route link
- Click the link and you will be taken to the route view
- You will be able to view the route progress in real time here
- It is possible to view read-only information, such as the location of the driver, the status of the delivery, and much more