BorderGuru Tracking

Track your BorderGuru delivery anywhere in the world, in seconds.

What is Hermes BorderGuru?

Are you looking for a reliable package tracking tool? Hermes BorderGuru is an online delivery and shipment notification service that lets you track flights, send and receive packages, and convert currency.

Who are they?

BorderGuru is an online service founded in 2012 by seven entrepreneurs from various disciplines across France. The company started with creating the first 3D interactive map, which allowed users to visualize their shipment on a Google Earth-like platform to check current location updates and the estimated time of arrival (ETA). Since then, BorderGuru has expanded into all areas concerning package deliveries, including air, sea, and ground services across more than 90 countries worldwide. The website currently has over 1 million users worldwide, most of which are located in France, Italy, the United States of America, and Germany.

What do they deliver?

BorderGuru allows its users to track shipments from various carriers across more than 90 countries worldwide, including some of the following: USPS, DHL, FedEx, TNT Express, and DPD. The website also allows customers to keep track of their packages that have been delivered by BorderGuru themselves if they are not sure where it has ended up. Furthermore, there is a free currency conversion tool at the site's disposal that can convert about 28 currencies on the go.

Where in the world do they deliver?

Hermes BorderGuru now ships hundreds of packages every day from Europe and the US to all destinations worldwide. The company has already helped a steadily growing number of merchants to reach new target groups and increase sales in regions like China, Australia, Europe, and North America.

BorderGuru Package Tracker

Hermes World provides customers access to an online tracking service called "BorderGuru." This tool can help predict when a package will arrive at its final destination after being sent locally or internationally by land or sea segment. Customers can use their order numbers or name, as well as their addresses, to find out the location of their shipment at any given moment. To use this service, please visit the following URL:

Frequently asked questions

Can I track a BorderGuru package without a tracking number?

You sure can! You can use the BorderGuru Package Tracker. You can search your email inbox or your BorderGuru account for a shipment confirmation message. Customers can use their order numbers or name, as well as their addresses, to find out the location of their shipment at any given moment. Just visit this URL:

Does Circuit offer better tracking than BorderGuru Package Tracker?

No, they do not. The only difference between tracking a package with BorderGuru and Circuit is the age of their respective databases: BorderGuru has had one since 2010, while Circuit has had theirs since 2000.

How late does BorderGuru deliver?

When it comes to being the fastest international package delivery service, no one does it better than BorderGuru. They have maintained a 99.8% on-time delivery rate since their conception in 2010. Delivery times are also flexible. Customers can choose from several delivery options, including Saturday deliveries at an additional fee.

BorderGuru works hard to deliver your package on time. They're just as punctual as the postal service, delivering over 99% of packages on time.

How long does it usually take to deliver an international package with BorderGuru?

BorderGuru strives to deliver international packages within 3-5 business days. This depends on whether you're sending a domestic or international package, as well as where it's going. BorderGuru recommends giving your package 5-7 business days before following up with your local post office.

How long will BorderGuru hold a package?

BorderGuru can hold a package for up to 30 days. If you're sending your international package with Fed-Ex or UPS, they may already have it in their warehouse after seven days. BorderGuru will hold a package for up to 30 business days, or 90 calendar days.

How to sign for a BorderGuru package?

You will not need to sign anything specifically. Once your package is ready for delivery, the courier will visit your home or place of business and ask you to sign for them using a secure Signature Pad device electronically. This device captures an electronic version of your signature. You can sign for it with the electronic signature pad when you receive your package. This electronic version is then transmitted to BorderGuru for verification, meaning you are signing in the same way as when opening a bank account or entering into a contract.

If you're the intended recipient, be sure to sign for your package. If not, make sure to give it to the correct person.

How to track a BorderGuru package with Circuit

With Circuit Package Tracker, you can track any BorderGuru shipment in the world in seconds. Find online orders on the web, or download the free app.

What do I do if I haven't received my package from BorderGuru?

If you haven't received your package, double-check with your local post office and give them a call. It's possible the tracking service didn't pick up information on its way to you. If it's been around two weeks without any updates, please contact us for assistance: [email protected].

What happens if BorderGuru loses my package?

If BorderGuru loses your package, they will take full responsibility. They are one of the leading companies in package delivery because their customers trust them. Because of this, they will try everything within their power to get your shipment back on track.

If your package hasn't arrived, BorderGuru will reship it to you free of charge.

What happens if I miss my BorderGuru delivery?

If you miss your BorderGuru delivery, it will be returned to their depot. A Hermes courier will attempt to deliver your package two times before it's sent back to the local Delivery Point Depot. You can pick up your package during business hours at the exact location where the package was delivered initially. You can then sign for it at your local depot within three business days or pick it up from there after five business days.

Contact us if you're outside of that area, and we'll help get your package back on track: [email protected].

What time will my BorderGuru package arrive?

That depends on whether you're sending a domestic or international package, as well as where it's going. BorderGuru recommends giving your package 5-7 business days before following up with your local post office.

It typically takes 3-5 business days for a BorderGuru package to be delivered. This depends on whether you're sending a domestic or international package, as well as where it's going.

If you know when your package will arrive, BorderGuru delivery speeds it up. The more specific you are with your time frame, the better they can serve you.

Use this URL to track any of our international packages:

Where is my BorderGuru package?

You can track your BorderGuru package in two easy steps:

  1. Use Circuit Package Tracker
  2. Enter your order number or tracking ID from your confirmation email

Circuit Package Tracker offers live updates of all deliveries, large and small, including when it left its warehouse when it was given to the courier and its final destination once it's been delivered to you either by hand or post office. If your package appears "on delivery," this means it has been given to the courier and is on its way.

If you haven't received your package, double-check with your local post office and give them a call. It's possible the tracking service didn't pick up information on its way to you. If it's been around two weeks without any updates, please contact us for assistance: [email protected].

Where is my BorderGuru tracking number?

Your BorderGuru tracking number will start with "BGP" and is typically 14 digits in length but can vary from 10-20 depending on your region.

Enter your order number to track any local packages.

Why is my BorderGuru package not moving?

If your package isn't moving, this means it's either been delivered to the post office successfully or has yet to be collected by them.

You can track your BorderGuru package in a few easy steps:

  1. Visit the Hermes BorderGuru website.
  2. Enter your order number or tracking ID from your confirmation email.

When you're able to access information on both endpoints of a shipment -- that is, when it left its factory and when it reached the destination country -- this means your package is on time and where it needs to be.

If you cannot see the status of your BorderGuru package, please get in touch with us for assistance: [email protected].

It typically takes 3-5 business days for a BorderGuru package to be delivered. This depends on whether you're sending a domestic or international package, as well as where it's going. If your package appears "on delivery," this means it has been given to the courier and is on its way.

Track your BorderGuru order with your order number or tracking id from your confirmation email.

Why is my BorderGuru package pending?

If your BorderGuru package is "pending," it means your order was received within the last 24 hours.

You can track your BorderGuru package in a few easy steps:

  1. Visit the Hermes BorderGuru website.
  2. Enter your order number or tracking ID from your confirmation email.

It's possible that there was an error when trying to process your BorderGuru purchase, like a typo in your address. You must make sure that that your order number or tracking ID is entered correctly to track your BorderGuru package.

There are several possible reasons your BorderGuru order is pending. It may be delayed due to weather, shipping issues, or another unforeseen event that's outside of the BorderGuru control. If you cannot see the status of your BorderGuru package, you can get in touch with the Hermes team.

Follow your BorderGuru tracking from the store to your door

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