Ultimate Guide to Route Planning

Route planning is the easiest and quickest way for last-mile delivery businesses to cut costs and create efficient routes.

Circuit Route Planner app on mobile with a map, optimized route, delivery stop description and navigation buttons

Travelling Salesman Problem

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Manage your deliveries

Improving your delivery operation by improving the efficiency of your drivers - it this possible?

How to have success in last mile delivery route planning?

Success in last-mile delivery hinges on speed, accuracy, and adaptability. This guide offers practical tips and strategic recommendations to enhance your delivery operations, boosting both driver productivity and customer satisfaction.

Key Strategies for Streamlined Delivery Execution

Invest in Pre-Route Planning: Meticulous preparation is essential. Take a few minutes to meticulously verify that you have the correct parcels for your designated route.

Embrace Technology: Route optimization apps like Circuit are invaluable. Features like optimized routing, real-time tracking, and smart package location save substantial time.

Be Proactive at Delivery Attempts: If a customer is unresponsive, promptly follow company protocol to return the package and maintain your schedule.

Building Strong Delivery Habits

The following habits form the foundation of a well-executed route:

Loading Verification: Collaborate with depot staff to ensure you have the correct packages and manifest.

Organized Vehicle: Systematically organize your vehicle using tools like Circuit's Fast Package Finder. This reduces search times for each delivery stop.

Route Evaluation: Critically analyze your suggested route. Utilize Circuit's route optimization to customize for factors like timed deliveries or business hours to minimize backtracking.

Address Precision: Before leaving your vehicle, take a moment to double-check the address. This eliminates costly misdeliveries.

Customer Communication (Optional): If available, use a feature that allows customers to specify preferred delivery windows, reducing unnecessary wait times.

Additional Tips for Efficiency

Communicate Expectations: Clearly communicate with dispatch about your assigned route and any specific delivery requirements.

Adaptive Routing: Utilize apps like Circuit that offer live updates and route adjustments, allowing you to respond dynamically to unexpected delays.


By combining careful planning, powerful technological tools, and meticulous execution, you'll consistently complete routes with improved speed and accuracy. These practices translate into higher earnings potential, reduced fuel expenses, and greater customer satisfaction,

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Logistics map interface showing the New York afternoon delivery run with route lines and list of addresses